How To Be Focused By Ignoring Attention Magnets

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How to be focused? First you must have control over what you’re paying attention to.

Our lives are full of distractions. Everywhere you go, someone or something is trying to get your attention. Some of these options can be downright entertaining.

If you’re like me, you have no problem coming up with distractions all by yourself! Jumping around like this can be fun, but it takes time away from more important activities. And that’s a big deal.

How do you stay focused in a world designed to make it easy to lose focus? Watch the video to find out.

Action Steps:

  1. Identify your attention magnets. What are some of the things you obsess over to the exclusion of your very best activities?
  2. If you’re comfortable with it, leave a comment to share how you put a barrier between yourself and your attention magnets.

Principles to Learn:

  1. Everyone has something they obsess over to the exclusion of things they’re best at doing. These activities are called “Attention Magnets.”
  2. Identifying your Attention Magnet is the first step to putting a barrier between it and your Most Valuable Activities.
  3. The difference between a time-waster and an attention magnet is obsession. Attention Magnets tend to be a lot of fun. The problem is they distract you from the best things you could be thinking about.

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