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Why your role as an admin is important


“But I’m just an admin!”

If you’re an admin or assistant—stop selling yourself short! Your role is IMPORTANT. You ROCK!

I recently spoke at the Western Governors University, and my audience was their administrative team. How great is that?!

If you’re a manager or business owner, make sure to invest in training for your admins just as much as you do for any other position!

You’ll be thankful you did it. If you already do, then I salute you!

Admins and assistants are the backbones of most any business.

I know I’d be lost without my amazing assistant, Victoria. She keeps the ball rolling, allowing me to focus on my MVAs every day.

I’m grateful for her and the other amazing assistants I’ve worked with in the past!

Thank you to Tricia Drake and Brook Davenport for having me speak with your admins. I had a great time!

Do you have, or know, a rockstar admin or assistant? Tag them below and tell them thank you!

If you’re looking to invest in actionable training for your administrative assistants, I’d be honored to be a part of it. Find out how at

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