What is the cause that drives your business?

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If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing in this world, what would it be? Does your business share that cause?

Many businesses invest a lot of time and money into trying to build a “company culture.” In this video, I show you the fastest, easiest and most beneficial way to improve that culture.

Action Steps:

  1. Watch this video and assess yourself on how well you have integrated a cause into your business.
  2. Ask yourself these three questions and answer them honestly:
    • If you were to wave a magic wand and change one thing in this world, what would that be?
    • What is your business doing to serve that cause?
    • Have your employees adopted your cause and made it personally their own?
  3. Share your perspective or ask questions on this page.


  1. One of the most critical parts of building an invaluable business is to have a cause.
  2. Your cause can become a motivating force for both employees and customers in your business.
  3. Having your employees adopt this cause as their own helps build a strong company culture.


Want to build a loyal following? Dave’s newest book, The Result, can help you build a strategy for serving and retaining your customers. For a practical, proven formula for getting what you want, download The Result for free, by clicking here..
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