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How to Establish a Yearly Business Goal

Setting small business goals raises some conflicting emotions—often ranging from excitement to exasperation. That’s because the gift of envisioning opportunity often comes with the side effect of spawning chaos. Focus is required!

Today I’m sharing my process for thinking big by starting small, so you can turn your dreams into a reality. All that served up in 60 seconds—Happy New Year to you!

Click to tweet this: Focus your vision by selecting a single strategic route to success in the new year. @DaveCrenshaw

Video transcription:

When it comes to preparing for the New Year, perhaps nothing is as important as choosing your one strategic focus. But how do you figure that out?

I recommend that you start by making a list to this question—if we accomplish just one thing next year, what would be the most important goal?

Just brainstorm, come up with a big list. Then look at all the items on the listand pick one, one thing that you’re going to focus on. Then share that with your team so they can become participants in that goal.

Finally, mark milestone dates in your calendar. In other words, in one month where would you need to be to accomplish that goal? In three months, in sixth months and so on?

So, in the comments section below, I’d like you to share what you believe is your one strategic goal for the coming year.

Also, if you have any question you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching and may you have a focused New Year.

Join the conversation: What do you believe is your one strategic goal for the coming year?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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