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5 Underused Customer Loyalty Strategies

Every entrepreneur knows how invaluable word of mouth is. But who’s going to spread the love if you don’t have customer loyalty?

Ensuring repeat business is an often overlooked and under-appreciated task of chaotic small business owners. But when it comes to increasing sales, customer loyalty is a must.

And since we’re fighting this battle of chaos vs. focus together, I thought I’d share my Five Underused Customer Loyalty Strategies. Because you can never be too busy for your MVCs.

Click to tweet this: An entrepreneur’s most valuable asset is customer loyalty. Be sure to invest in it daily! #smallbiz @DaveCrenshaw

Now, start with that almighty budget—the one strictly for increasing customer loyalty. And as you build each factor into your strategy, make sure you’re leaving room for measurable results.

Unexpected gifts, whether from you or an employee, go a long way in the eyes of your clientele. And covering each touch point, from your parking lot to social media platforms, to enhance the customer experience shows you value their time and business.

Your turn: join the conversation! What customer loyalty strategy has worked best in your business? Anything you’ve tried that hasn’t worked? Let’s work together to increase those sales!

I value every question and comment and reply to them on my blog, so don’t be shy!

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