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Five Business Lessons from Batman

As an entrepreneur, you move fast. So fast, that you always need to keep your mind open to business lessons wherever and whenever you can get them.

This week, I wanted to share a few of those business lessons from an unusual source: Batman.

In this short video I share five critical lessons on entrepreneurship anyone in any business can learn from the Dark Knight.

Action Steps:

  1. View this video and ask yourself the following questions about your business:
    • Have I located my right hand person, my Alfred, yet?
    • Have I invested in the best technology possible?
    • Have I created a clear dividing line between my entrepreneurial life and my personal life?
    • Am I regularly growing my network?
    • Does my business have a clearly defined set of values that we use for day-to-day decision making?
  2. On this page, share any other business lessons you’ve gained from Batman or your favorite fictional characters. Thanks!


  1. Entrepreneurs can always be on the lookout for business lessons—even from fictional characters.
  2. A dedicated personal assistant can free your time so you can focus on your Most Valuable Activities (MVAs).
  3. The cost of investing in the best technology often makes up for itself through huge time gains.
  4. If your entrepreneurial life and personal life lack a boundary line, the two can bleed into each other, damaging both.
  5. Often, the resources you need to succeed in business lie within your network, not yourself.
  6. Written business values can be an important guidepost for decision making.
  7. Bonus: Batman is cooler than most other superheroes who got their powers the easy way.

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