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Using Sound and Smell to Create a Customer Experience

Light some candles. Put on a little smooth jazz. Offer some chocolate strawberries. No, you aren’t about to get romantic with your special someone. You’re about to go on a hot date with improved Yelp reviews and customer retention.

Sometimes, online and consumer-facing businesses focus exclusively on visual stimuli. They keep their shops relatively organized and mopped, but their customer experience doesn’t appeal to all five senses.

How on Earth do you give customers a full sensory experience? Well, that’s what this video is all about! Time to take your relationships with customers to the next, albeit strictly professional, level.

Click to tweet this: Businesses that make a million bucks smell, sound, feel, taste, and look like a million bucks. @DaveCrenshaw

Video transcript:

The five senses are powerful tools when it comes to attracting and retaining customers. Often we think of the five senses in terms of just a spa. But what about an auto repair business?

I once coached a business that baked cookies in the office to help customers feel that they were at home when they walked in.

Often we focus just on what we can see. But I’d like to talk about two neglected senses—smelling and hearing.

When you walk into your office just take a little whiff. What do you smell? What does that smell convey? What emotions will your customers feel? What changes might you make?

And second: hearing. If I call into your office and if you put me on hold, what music do I hear? Or if I watch a video, is the music reinforcing the feeling you want your customers to have?

I’d like you to share in the comments section below: what’s one sense [your business does] well with and what’s one sense that you want to improve?

Also, if you have a question you’d like me to answer in a future video, ask that below as well.

Thanks for watching and may your business pass the smell test.

Join the conversation: What’s one sense [your business does] well with and what’s one sense that you want to improve?

I respond to every question and comment. So, please, join the conversation!

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