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Avoid These Critical Hiring Mistakes

Remember your high school coach belligerently screaming, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” as you avoided passing out whilst struggling through a series of 20-minute sprints? Sorry to bring up a sore subject, but he was right…especially when it comes to hiring.

For too many business owners, ineffective hiring processes create a whole lot of weak links. The result? Well, a sorry excuse for a chain. Before welcoming a “chain of fools” into your business, think critically about who you’ll need and how to find them.

In this 90-second clip, we discuss the common hiring mistakes and how to fix them.

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Video transcription:

Making good hires is one of the most significant challenges facing small businesses right now. Many business owners invest a lot of time and a lot of money and yet get very inconsistent results.

Think of your hiring process like a chain. And if there’s one broken link, the entire chain collapses. Here are three of the most common broken links in the hiring chain:

First of all, you’re missing the traits. You may have defined the skills required by the position, but you have not clearly defined the personality characteristics. This is far more important than the skills.

Number two is that you’re not investing enough in advertising. Think about the cost of making one bad hire. It’s thousands of dollars. Yet, the business owners sometimes get stingy in placing a couple of ads. Invest a lot of money in advertising.

And number three, sell. Sell the position. Don’t just post up a job and expect people to send resumes. Write an eye-catching headline and really sell why your business is the best place for someone to work.

So, I’d like you to share in the comments section below: what’s one improvement you’ll make to your hiring process?

Also, if you have a question, please ask that in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching. Now go strengthen your chain.

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