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How to get a raise and get promoted

Are you getting what you want out of your career right now? If not, what do you believe is standing in your way?

Recently the employee of one my Invaluable CEO coaching clients asked me for help. She wanted to know how to get a raise and get promoted. In this brief video, I share with you the same action steps I gave her, so you can invest in yourself, too.

Action Steps:

  1. Watch this video and ask yourself, “What am I doing to increase my value per hour?”
  2. Determine how much time you are willing to invest weekly outside of work to improve your talents.
  3. Choose one area where you will focus your studies and improvement efforts.
  4. Invest in course materials, including books and magazines. Subscribe to newsletters or blogs related to your area of focus.
  5. Find someone to help you be accountable for your commitment to deliver an assignment.
  6. Share your perspective or ask questions on this page.

Principles to Learn:

  1. By investing a little extra time outside of your expected work schedule, you can demonstrate to your employer that you’re worth more than you’re current;y being paid.
  2. The ideal time to invest is up to you, but ideally start with 2-5 hours per week.
  3. In choosing your area of focus, select an area where you have yet to prove yourself.
  4. The advantages of telling your coworker or supervisor about your time investment are:
    • It will strengthen your personal commitment to follow through.
    • It will get the other person on your side in helping you succeed.


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