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Why multitasking aggravates the stress related to change management

“I don’t have time to deal with all these new changes!”

The human brain is hard-wired to resist change, so it’s no surprise that change at the office can be stressful. Change can create panic and a feeling of being overwhelmed, which then kicks our “fight or flight” instinct into high gear. I spoke recently for Abrigo at the beautiful Loews Sapphire Falls Resort on how effective time management is the secret behind simplifying change management—a big issue in the financial industry. Specifically, I spoke on the topic, “The Myth of Multitasking.”

What does multitasking have to do with change management? Everything! When you want to implement change, and you need your team to be open to it, your first step should be helping them find the time to handle it. By eliminating the culture of multitasking, you will be helping your team recover 28% of their workday back!

This rediscovered time allows them to adjust to change at a reasonable pace, which reduces the feeling of panic and the stress of being overwhelmed. Start improving your time management, especially by reducing switchtasking, and help your team be better prepared for adapting to new market trends.

What is your favorite way to keep yourself open to change? Share below!


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