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How to turn pain into productivity

Do you have a low tolerance for pain? That may sound like an odd question to ask with a beautiful hotel like the Shangri-La Makati in Manila in the background. But it’s actually a perfect setting for this topic!  The environment here is expertly crafted to create an absence of any pain. Which leads into my point that some of the greatest leaders I have had the honor of coaching have had a very low tolerance for pain. 

At this point, you might be scratching your head, wondering why I am talking about “pain” and how that fits with my typical productivity and time management spiel. Let me explain. People with a low tolerance for pain don’t wait long to make a change in their environment to get rid of the ache in their side.  

I’m often asked by audiences that I am speaking to, “How do I know what to work on next, Dave?” My reply? “What is causing you the most pain? What is one thing that is driving you bananas at work and eating up all your time?” 

Pain is a warning sign. You can either continue to endure the pain day after day, or you can take a step back and re-evaluate your processes and make a change. 

I’d love to hear that “one thing” that is causing you the most pain right now and how you are going to take action to make it stop!  

Funny side story, right as I am wrapping up this video, I think I got a not-so-subtle cue to “get off the stage” by the hotel orchestra. How’s that for a painful ending? Ha! 

If you are interested in booking me to speak at your event, please go to for all the details. Thanks for watching!

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