How to Complete a task without rushing…or totally forgetting – Pick Dave’s Brain

This week’s question comes from Samuel in Manchester in the UK. Q: I’m a recent Time Management Fundamentals graduate with two questions about processing your inbox. First, what if I try to do a task and then I find out I couldn’t do it in five minutes or less? Second, what if I have a large … Continue reading “How to Complete a task without rushing…or totally forgetting – Pick Dave’s Brain”

Think “free” is more valuable? Think again! – Pick Dave’s Brain

This week’s question comes from Ran in Montreal, Canada. He asks: Q: I’m also in the training industry, but find it hard to compete because entrepreneurs have so many free resources. What worked for you in the beginning when you were getting your start? What would you advise me to do?

Why time management principles trump software tools – Pick Dave’s Brain

This week’s question comes from Johnny in Redmond, Washington. He asks: Q: Hi! I’m an international student in 10th grade, and I’m looking to improve my time management habits. I watched your “Time Management Fundamentals” course on LinkedIn Learning. How can I use your method most effectively with Omnifocus?

How stacking trays make for lovely homes, not gathering points – Pick Dave’s Brain

Do you have enough homes for all your stuff? This week’s question comes from Stephanie in Beaverton, Oregon. She writes: Q: I took your Time Management Fundamentals course on Lynda in LinkedIn Learning. You mentioned having six trays on hand while you’re going through the course. What are those six trays for? I can’t seem … Continue reading “How stacking trays make for lovely homes, not gathering points – Pick Dave’s Brain”

Why “Work-Life Balance” Is a Misnomer…Probably – Pick Dave’s Brain

Work-life “balance” or work-life “synergy” or neither one? This week’s question comes from Steve in Appeldoorn, The Netherlands. Q: Do you think the term work-life balance is really effective and accurate? I like to use “work-life synergy” and find it to be more effective. Isn’t working toward balance a less effective approach to take?

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