How a 2% increase in productivity leads to a week of extra time

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In the past ten years, I’ve uncovered about two years of extra time.

I promise that’s not an exaggeration. I’ve been able to use those “bonus years” to write more, read more, relax more, and spend more time with my family. You can free of this kind of time, too, with minimal effort.

A simple 2% increase in productivity can yield a week of extra time over the course of a year! You don’t have to make extreme changes like overhauling your entire office. It’s the small changes that accumulate over time that make the most significant impact.

Here are a few little changes that will increase your productivity:

• Purchasing a more ergonomic desk chair.

• Upgrading your computer’s memory for faster performance.

• Creating a better layout in your office to make repetitive tasks easier to complete.

• Turn your email notifications off on your phone.

• Schedule one or two 15-minute breaks in your day to do something fun.

What’s one little thing you will do this month to increase your productivity? Let’s get that week back! Share your ideas in the comments below.

Looking for a keynote speaker to improve productivity and time management at your office? Learn more about hiring Dave at

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