Understanding, the iPhone, and getting a raise

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Ever notice how fiercely loyal most iPhone users are? This loyalty goes way, way beyond just loving a product. It borders on religious fervor.

In this brief video I show you how this one example illustrates how to become invaluable and generate that same kind of loyalty from your boss and your customers.

Action Steps:

  1. Watch this video and ask yourself: “Do I have a clear understanding of my target market or what my boss truly wants?”
  2. Find out your boss’s MVAs (Most Valuable Activities). (If you need help, see Invaluable, pp.43-52)
  3. Ask your boss: “What can I do to make your job easier?”
  4. Do one thing to help your boss stay focused on his or her two MVAs, or to make his or her job easier.
  5. Share your perspective or ask questions on this page.

Principles to Learn:

  1. Understanding is very important when it comes to increasing your value in the marketplace.
  2. Understanding is more important than features.
  3. If you are employed, your “target market” is your boss.
  4. Your job is to help your boss stay focused in his or her most valuable activities.
  5. Asking the question: “What can I do to make your job easier?” is powerful for two reasons:
    • You are communicating to the other person that you care.
    • It gives you a wealth of understanding about him/her.


Does it feel like you keep running into brick walls? Work ethic only gets you so far. Dave’s newest book guides you in finding a teammate who builds on your strengths and keeps you growing. Click here to download your free copy of The Result: A Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want.
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