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How to Find Your Rhythm and Stick to It!

Friends, consistency is key. Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours won’t happen until you get in, do the work, plan recovery time, rinse, and repeat.

But, then again…

Variety is the spice of life! It allows those precious, innovative neurons in our brains to fire freely and randomly. After all, as Emerson once wrote, “Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.”

But, then again…

It’s up to YOU to decide the rhythm of your life. Check out this short slice! You’ll get a how-to on building your life around that sweet spot somewhere between “whirlwind” and “Zen.”

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Video transcript:

I often teach that productivity is more about rhythm than perpetual motion. But how do you determine what your personal rhythm is?

It’s about understanding yourself and then creating a schedule that reinforces that. And this revolves around variety or consistency. I recently did a survey and found–to my surprise–that people are almost evenly split between their desire for variety or consistency.

So if you want consistency, this means you want to create a schedule that repeats itself every day, every week as much as possible. And if you want variety, you still want to create a schedule but a schedule that changes itself on a regular basis. Perhaps one week you are working on something, and then the next week you work in a different way.

So my question for you is: which do you prefer—variety or consistency? Please share that in the comments section below.

Also, if you have a question you’d like me to answer, please ask that in the comments section below.

Thanks for watching and may you find your groove.

Join the conversation: Which do you prefer—variety or consistency?

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