Why You Should Never Use a Pencil When Scheduling Appointments

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There’s a certain phrase that I train my assistant to never use when scheduling appointments. If fact, she knows that if someone uses this phrase when trying to schedule an appointment with me, she should refuse the appointment.

What is the phrase and why should you avoid it, too?

Watch this brief video to find out.

Action Steps:

  1. Before you schedule another appointment, whether it’s with yourself or someone else, make sure you are truly committed before putting it in your calendar.
  2. Avoid allowing others to try to “pencil you in.” It means they aren’t committed to meeting with you. Try to find a time you both can commit to.
  3. Share other comparisons in the comments section below. What differences can you see between merely “scheduling” an appointment vs. “committing” to it?

Principles to Learn:

  1. Scheduled appointments are fragile and easily broken. Appointment commitments are firm and protected.
  2. People who simply schedule meetings without committing to them are likely to show up but not participate.
  3. If you lack commitment to a scheduled appointment, you’ll be easily distracted.
  4. When you schedule time without committing to it, you devalue yourself. On the other hand, when you commit to a scheduled appointment, you increase your personal value and the value of those around you.


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