Why scheduling time for your Most Valuable Activities keeps chaos at bay

Where there are too many options, chaos ensues. While in Paris recently, the Place Charles de Gaulle beneath the Arc de Triomphe caught my attention. The roundabout is known for the chaotic traffic due to the 12 different directions you can go once inside. It’s the perfect metaphor of a clock, with the 12 different points, and … Continue reading “Why scheduling time for your Most Valuable Activities keeps chaos at bay”

How to stay focused and productive in an open office environment

“How can I focus without walls around me?” The perils of an open office! I’m here in Zurich, Switzerland, speaking to executives from a pharmaceutical company. Weeks before the event, I asked them: “What is the most common cause of interruptions in your day?” They mentioned emails, meetings, and instant messages, of course. Yet, the … Continue reading “How to stay focused and productive in an open office environment”

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