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The Rule of 3: The Essential Law of Small Business Marketing

From the Las Vegas Strip to rock-paper-scissors, zero-sum games are often alluring and entertaining. They’re also a lousy strategy in small business marketing.

Yet, why do so many business owners play this game? Rather than carefully strategizing a plan to get new customers, they opt for throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping something sticks.

But marketing doesn’t have to be this kind of a crap-shoot. Enter the Rule of 3.

Watch my short video and learn how this simple standard preserves profit and maintains marketing alike.

Action Steps:

  1. Consider your next marketing plan. Is it fulfilling the Rule of 3? Is it reasonable to expect that for every $1 you spend you’ll get $3 to your bottom line?
  2. Comment and tell me about YOUR most recent effort in small business marketing.  What kind of return did you get?


  1. Spending small business marketing money just to make the same money back kills profit and is unnecessarily risky.
  2. The customer acquisition budget (CAB) is the lifetime bottom-line value of a customer divided by 3.

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